All the unique features you need: pound and each billing, routing, catch weight control; individual split case descriptions and pricing with automatic inventory updating; bid control; special pricing for promos-deal-quantity breaks; flyer pricing; cost per serving analysis: multiple suggested retail prices; vendor UPC product numbers; order, batch, or palletized picking; pick labels; multiple costs; cash & carry; spot market pricing; remote order entry; custom price books and invoices for important customers; cutting room report for custom cut products; rebate control; multiple dynamic street prices; multiple variable commission rates; lot control; route sales ... and more!
Palletized Picking; Accounting Interface; Buying Group Interface; Dynamic Routing; Sheltered Income; Food Show; Automatic Purchasing; Laptop System; Coupon Points; Monitor Penetration vs. Budget; Inventory Allocations; Remote Order Entry; Personal Computer Interfaces and much more.
6 ways to perform order entry; 4 ways to pick; 3 ways to invoice customers; unlimited pricing and commission methods; over 200 variable reports from which to pick and choose, as well as 70 different modules to meet every need. Including: Multi Company / Warehouse Capabilities; Unlimited Pricing and Commission Methods; Palletized Picking; Accounting Interfaces; Buyer Group Interfaces; Dynamic Routing; Sheltered Income; Food Show; Automatic Purchasing; Laptop System; Coupon Points; Monitor Penetration versus Budget; Inventory Allocations; Remote Order Entry; Personal Computer Interfaces; Warehouse Management; Data Warehousing; and Much, Much More!!!
You deal with ONE professional vendor who speaks your language. NDS supplies everything: the appropriate hardware, software, on-site operator training, 24 hour a day system and operator support, custom modifications when needed.